The Moustaqbel foundations helps young women from isolated areas in southern Morocco to pursue further education after highschool. You don’t get an education overnight. It requires a sustained investment and a lot of perseverance. Our students therefore benefit most from monthly or multi-year donations.


One-off donation

from € 10 One-off

Any amount on monthly basis

from € 5 Monthly

1,2,3 or 4 students,
1 year

€ 2.234 -€ 7.500 Once

Any amount yearly ANBI*

€ 100-€ 10.000 Yearly


Your gift to Dar Moustaqbel gives access to further education. Whether you prefer to support on a one-off, a monthly or on a yearly basis – your donation means the difference between education or no education. Support one student during one year , two years or during their whole education – your gift will change their life. You, as a donor of the Moustaqbel Foundation, choose to have an impact on the most important factor in development: education.

Your donation goes entirely to our running costs of our student home. In-house supplementary classes, study coaching, healthy meals, a rich activities program, professional support for our students and access to computers and internet. The Moustaqbel Foundation is an accredited Public Benefit Organisation. A Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) is a foreign ANBI, which means in Dutch: Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI).

* An ANBI gift is FULLY TAX DEDUCTIBLE: 50% return from tax authorities
If you want to support us for five consecutive years, your gift will be an ANBI gift and fully tax deductible, regardless of the amount. The Dutch tax authorities (“belastingdienst”) call this “a periodical gift”. You do not have to go to a notary. The tax authorities only want you to fill the ANBI-form below. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send us an e-mail or call our treasurer (Robert-Jan Wefers Bettink: +31 0653118862).

Please fill in this tax form and send it to us if you want to apply the ANBI tax-deduction, which is possible in case of a commitment to give during five consecutive years. Keep one copy for your own tax administration and send us one copy so we can take care of validating your ANBI tax-deduction. You can send a copy to this address:

Moustaqbel Foundation,
Bloemgracht 38H, 1015TK Amsterdam
Bank:  ABNAMRO Bank
Name: Stichting Moustaqbel
Accountnumber:  NL 19 ABNA 0822 4067 64


All sponsors receive a yearly letter to our donors, besides the regular newsletter that is sent out three times a year to share the latest updates.

Furthermore sponsors are welcome to come stay in our guest room at Dar Moustaqbel in Marrakech. During dinner you can hear from the girls themselves about living in Marrakech and listen to their stories first hand.  You will get the option to enjoy a bicycle tour around the medina of Marrakech, guided by one of the students at Dar Moustaqbel.

                                           Earthquake September 2023
                                      Thank you very much for your help!

Onze gedachten en gebeden gaan uit naar iedereen die getroffen is door de aardbeving in Marokko. De 80 studenten van Dar Moustaqbel en veel van onze alumni zijn veilig, maar een groot deel van hun familie woont in de zwaarst getroffen gebieden. De teller staat nu op 73 dodelijke slachtoffers onder hun naaste familieleden. Ouders, broers en zussen kwamen onder het puin terecht. Hele dorpen zijn verwoest.

Al onze huidige studenten zijn tijdelijk ondergebracht in Dar Moustaqbel Issil, dat de beving goed heeft doorstaan. Ons studentenhuis in de medina is beschadigd. Sinds 2016 helpt Dar Moustaqbel jonge kansarme studentes uit rurale gebieden in het zuiden van Marokko bij hun inspanningen door te zorgen voor studentenhuisvesting, gezonde voeding en een rijk onderwijsprogramma.

Nu is daar een belangrijke taak bijgekomen. Noodhulp aan de getroffen dorpen en wederopbouw van de huizen van de zwaar getroffen families in nauw overleg met de verwoeste gemeenschappen. Deze is in volle gang. Wij, onze studenten, alumni, medewerkers, bestuursleden en andere vrijwilligers. doen er alles aan om de getroffen dorpsgemeenschappen zo snel mogelijk te helpen met hun dringende noden en toekomstperspectieven. Als je ons wilt helpen bij de wederopbouw en het bieden van noodhulp, kijk dan op onze donatiepagina. Veel dank aan onze donateurs en iedereen die ons steunbetuigingen heeft gestuurd.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by the earthquake in Morocco. The 80 students of Dar Moustaqbel and many of our alumni are safe, but a large number of their families live in the hardest hit areas. The tally now stands at 73 fatalities among their close family members. Parents, brothers and sisters died under the rubble. Entire villages have been destroyed.

All our current students are temporarily sheltered in Dar Moustaqbel Issil, which withstood the quake well. Our dorm in the medina has been damaged. Since 2016 Dar Moustaqbel has been helping young underprivileged female students from rural southern Morocco in their endeavors, by providing student housing, healthy food and a rich educational program.

Now an important task has been added. Emergency relief to the affected villages and rebuilding the homes of the severely affected families in close consultation with the devastated communities. We, our students, alumni, staff, board members, and other volunteers are doing everything we can to support the affected village communities with their urgent needs and to provide future prospects as soon as possible. If you would like to help us rebuild and provide emergency relief, please check out our donation page. Many thanks to our donors and everyone who sent us messages of support.
